you will need to install the blackberry Desktop Software for PC coordinates the link between your smartphone, tablet, email accounts, calendars and more. you can click here to download the latest version of BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1
now after the installation Go to the menu, and click on tools >> Mobile internet settings
Next,You shall see Profile Drop-down menu. Click on the Add Custom Profile to configure with any Network settings you can still add you own custom profile depending on the network you are using here is the example on how to use it.
Settings for Mtn Users
profile name and username: web
password: web
access point: Web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Now Go back to the Menu.
After menu>> click on Tools and >>click on Start Mobile Internet.
Click on Connect...
you are now good to go but dont close the blackberry Desktop Software until you are finnally through with your browsing
that is the must important part .
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Now mtn blackberry have not really being working on pc the system have been block .. but the new resach i have being working on for long .. i now find another way you can use your black berry as your modem not fastlind but your blackberry mobile phone . all you have to do is to flow the steps below .
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