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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How can I connect my blackberry to computer

how to get started with the Mass Storage Mode feature built into BlackBerry smartphones using BlackBerry Device Software 4.2 to 5, or BlackBerry® 6 OS and BlackBerry® 7 OS – so sit back, grab your USB cord and power up your computer (Mac or Windows® – it supports both!) if you’d like to follow along!
If your wireless service plan includes tethering, you can use your BlackBerry® smartphone as a modem for your computer or laptop to give you access to the Internet. If you’re not sure about your plan, check with your service provider before you attempt the steps below.

Here’s an overview of how to set up Internet tethering using the Mobile Internet feature available in BlackBerry® Desktop Software for PC 6.1 using a USB connection.

Before we begin, you’ll need to have BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.1 installed on your PC; this program can be downloaded from I would also recommend contacting your wireless service provider to verify if your service plan includes the ability to use Internet tethering.

Note: Using a Mac? If so, you can use your BlackBerry smartphone as a tethered modem over a USB or Bluetooth® connection. To set up your BlackBerry smartphone as a modem over USB on a Mac, check out KB19641. To set up your BlackBerry smartphone as a modem on a Mac using Bluetooth instead, review KB18127.

1. Connect your BlackBerry smartphone to the computer using a USB cable.

Note:You are also able to use a wireless Bluetooth connection for internet tethering while using a PC, for more information take a look at KB12544.

2. Launch BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.1, select “Tools” followed by “Mobile Internet settings”.

3. Locate and choose the profile for your wireless service provider in the Profile drop-down list and select “OK”. If your wireless service provider is not listed and they have provided you with settings for Mobile Internet, select “Add” to create a custom profile.
Note: If you do not see your wireless service provider in the Profile list, contact them for more information on how to set up Internet tethering. While Research In Motion®(RIM®) always attempts to keep the information for each wireless service provider up to date, this connection information can change. If you encounter connection issues after selecting a profile or have questions about tethering your smartphone, please contact your wireless service provider.

4. In the bottom left corner of the BlackBerry Desktop Software, click “Mobile Internet” to start using Internet Tethering.

5. A pop-up screen may appear to indicate that additional charges might apply. Once connected, the bottom left corner of the BlackBerry Desktop Software screen will display the amount of time that has elapsed since connecting and the amount of data used within that time.

Note: Using your BlackBerry smartphone as a tethered modem can increase your data usage. Always check with your wireless service provider for best practices while using Internet tethering.

6. To disconnect your BlackBerry smartphone as a tethered modem, click the green Internet connection status bar at the bottom left corner which will display a “Disconnect” button.
For more information on using your BlackBerry smartphone as a tethered modem, have a look at the user guides for your BlackBerry smartphone and BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.1

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