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Friday, 14 December 2012

How you can Use an iPhone As a Modem for Connecting a PC

There are thousands of people round the word finding it hered to brows free and good using there iphone
here come comes a great news you can now brows faster using your iphone as your internet acceses to your pc computer
first to make this work you have to flow the steps below.

1. Open iTunes. Click the "Help" menu, then select "About iTunes." You'll see a pop-up box that displays
 which version of iTunes is installed on your computer. If you have version 9.2 or later,
proceed to the next step. If not, click the "Help" menu again and then select "Check for Updates" to install
 the latest version of iTunes.

2.  you will need to connect your iphone using usb cabe  after it have been plog you will need to wait tell the phone 
recognize the apple  iphone. not only that you will need more work just to make it work paerficy
the nexsr\t step you will need to Tap "Settings," "General," "Network" then "Internet Tethering" on your iPhone.
 Slide the "Internet Tethering" button to "On then after you are truy with that avigate to the Windows
"Start" menu and select the "Control Panel
you will then see all the available network it will be display all you need it to connect to the network
which you want to use tnen connect to it

 3. you will have Click on your iPhone's name to use it as a modem after you are truy with that
now you can ejoy more than you ever emergen,

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