- There are some things you must know some people me feel like taking the other step or synchronizing your contacts between Nokia, Androids and BlackBerry phones but for me the best is to use netqin is nice and good and must of all easy to understand
- first you will have to download and also install the NetQin mobile security appropriate for your device from OviStore (for Nokia), AppWorld (for BlackBerry) and GooglePlay (for Androids). after download and install you will need to lunch it after do that then click on the AntiLost option within the application and from the list,you will need to select "Contact Back-Up" that will be after the download and installTo begin backing up your contact on either the NetQin server or the memory card, click on Back-Up.
- you are almust good to go now The next page an option will be dispaly to you to either back up on the NetQin Server or, you will have to use your memory card. To back up your contact on the NetQin server,yiou will be requsted tosign up then after doing that you can now login using your email whch happon to be what you use in signing up after doing that now select the memory card now back up have startedor you can chose to back it up use your NetQin server you can one do that if you dont have any memory card to back up your contact
- NOTE; always backup your on the NetQin back up server to avoid corrupt memory card issues
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