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Thursday, 27 December 2012


connecting this is not all that herd to say it all depend on you and how good you are
you dont have to call an engneer to do this for you . and i doing this you have to flow the step below

1. Connect one end of the composite cable to the "video out" input on the back of the CCTV camera (this should be marked yellow). Make sure that the cable is properly inserted all the way into the input.

2 . you will have to Connect the opposite end of the composite cable into the "video in" input on the back of the TV (this should also be marked yellow). Make sure that the cable is properly inserted all the way into the input.

3 .then after that you will have to Turn the TV channel to the same channel selected on the CCTV camera. Turn on the closed circuit camera.

4.Mount the closed circuit camera in the place that you want it. Make any final adjustment that may be needed.

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